Horstmann Trust

The UK’s only dedicated vulture breed for release conservation charity

Millions of vultures have died in the last 20 years. Vulture populations have crashed by up to 99.9%, and nearly 70% of the 23 vulture species are now threatened with extinction.

We believe now is time to act and save these vital birds.

Horstmann Trust Celebrates Second Consecutive Year of Vulture Conservation Success at London Zoo

The Horstmann Trust is delighted to announce a repeat of last year's success in the hatching and rearing of a critically endangered...

Trees a crowd – podcast

In Autumn 2023, we spent a brilliant couple of days showing David Oakes, founder of Trees A Crowd, around the Horstmann Trust site in Wales for a very special...

Bearded Vultures on Wild Inside, BBC Radio 4

Wild Inside on BBC Radio 4Dive into the fascinating world of the bearded vulture with our Curator, Holly, as she features on 'Wild Inside' on BBC Radio 4. In...

Help us to improve vulture conservation and safeguard these species for the future



There are lots of ways to get involved and raise much needed funds for our work. We’re here to support you along the way…




With your generous support we will continue to make a lasting difference for the vultures around the world.




We would love to keep you up to date with news from our projects, events, fundraising campaigns and more.


Workshops & courses

Sharing knowledge and experience is key to our mission. Only by listening and talking to others can we bring together the best ideas
and practices.

Why vultures?

Vultures play a crucial role in the world’s ecosystems – cleaning up after death, controlling disease and mitigating tens of millions of tons of CO2 in the process. Their disposal of carcases is critical to human health as well as the wider environment.

Vultures’ links to our heritage and culture span five continents. But they face many threats and the decline in their populations has been devastating.

Vultures are the key to thriving ecosystems. Together, we can save them.

The species we work with

We work with many old and new world vultures, but we focus our research and breeding programmes on four key species:

  • Bearded vultures

  • Hooded vultures

  • Egyptian vultures

  • Andean condors

There are other species in the collection but these form the core of our work.

Why have vulture numbers fallen so much?

The decline in vulture numbers has been rapid and devastating. In Africa, the population crash has been in the region of 90%, while in Asia, the vulture population fallen by up to 99.9%. The causes of these losses are different but are both man-made.

Dedicated to research

We are focused on producing meaningful research from our facility in Carmarthenshire. The collection at the Horstmann Trust allows to gain valauble insights into some of the less understood aspects of vulture. These will help protect their wild counterparts from further losses and drive their recovery.

Support our work


We can’t do this without you. But together we can make a difference. By supporting our charity, you can help us to fund vital research, raise public awareness, and protect vultures.

Please donate today and help us to save these magnificent creatures for future generations to enjoy. Thank you for your support!


Internships, Masters & Postgraduate opportunities

Each year, the Horstmann Trust makes available research positions for students and researchers to work at the facility in South Wales. If you would like to submit a proposal, please complete the application form below.

Partners, Sponsors and Supporting Companies

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There's a lot to know about the Horstmann Trust

We've been breeding vultures for over 40 years and have achieved a lot in that time - some of the first captive breeding of vultures happened here. We aim to continually improve and learn from what we do.

Core work at the Trust

From the practical to the theoretical we are always trying to improve how we manage and breed vultures and birds of prey.

At the core we are breeding birds to maintain our captive population but to also return birds to the wild to support the wild populations.



  • Tools

There are lots of ways you can support our work

You can help vultures through the work we do. There are many way that you can get involved – take a look at some of the options available to you.

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